Definitely...but so many things I grasp sooo firmly....baby steps, or else overwhelmed....

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This is what is called being Rigid, correct?

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There could be a degree of rigidity there, sure.

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I thought this was going to be about letting go of symptoms or anxiety. Like my therapist said to let go of the rope that was connected to the symptoms. But now I see what you are getting at. It's the habit of wanting things a certain way. I thought my fiesty personality was a cool trademark. Now I see it just makes me miserable. Just going to work I saw I got pissed at how others were driving, at how the weather wasn't going to produce snow at 11am like the reports said ...Also last night pointing out on Facebook how something was just fu#ked. So of course with anxiety symptoms I'm gonna be all defiant. Very interesting...it's not just anxiety, it's our whole way of being.....Trying to feel safe and ok by arguing with life.

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Practice letting go of the small things to get better at letting go of the BIG things (like being sure that you are about to have a psychotic break).

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Thanks Drew, Love this!

These lessons are just so easy to understand and then… apply.

I get it though about change. That IS a big part of the essence of Anxiety habit. I am actually just learning to enjoy these types of changes. There is freedom and peace that comes with it.

And that’s a very “ GOOD” thing indeed.

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Wow, listening to this, I have such a tight tight grip on everything . I believe this is due to my autism and the need to know for sure , but it is something I really need to get to grips with . For instance , I’ve been out of work now for nearly two years . I hate it . But every job I look at , because I can’t control what MAY happen , I put myself off . Think I need to work at just letting things be and take their natural course . Thanks again drew , always insightful

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I genuinely hear your lessons every day. They resonate so much with me. With your beautiful offerings and my mindful meditation practice every morning I am seeing the gentle shifts. For the first time I have clarity in areas that were forbidden to visit. Thank you Drew. You are making a big difference in my life.

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I have alway struggled with control but never thought it was bad because someone had to be in control to get things done, right? I am literally tired of always being in control. Than you Drew for your insight. I look forward to letting go!

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Good suggestions I will try these this weekend. I’ve tried the sitting on the sofa not doing anything, and your right it is hard not to turn the tv on, grab the phone or something to read to distract.

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That's such a good idea. I have to think about what and how I am holding on. I didn't realise the mobile phone was a control thing till your podcast yesterday. I will probably be surprised by what other things will come up on my list. Thanks again Drew

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Thank you Drew! I am going to start making my "Learning To Let Go" list now!

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