Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata


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There are a lot of factors in why I have anxiety. I have had it since I was a child. I have times of calm and can feel as though I am recovered, times where the anxiety is manageable and I work my acceptance and surrender and my mindfulness. But there are times when my anxiety is so horrendous that the pain in my chest and the dread I feel is too painful physically and mentally to practice these things and I resort back to my medication. I can’t help feeling discouraged at these times because I suffer so. Can anyone relate?

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I can relate so much. With the anxiety and the pain in my chest. I have exactly the same.

I am really struggeling right now and my doctor said i should go back to medication. I hope it will help a little bit to stabilize and i can continue to be brave and take action.

Often the recovery stories of others sound so easy and straight and i always ask myself, what am i doing wrong??

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So glad you took the time to reply, Vivian! I feel that I don’t fit in to the criteria for this group. But I keep reading and trying. I never give up. I’m sorry you are struggling right now. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed with everything. I just have to resort to my medication and not feel defeated. When I feel better and so grateful it doesn’t last too long, I start reducing my meds again when I’m feeling stronger and can continue on. I hope and pray you will feel like yourself again soon. Keep in touch❤️

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

Thanks Drew I always wanted to find the reason I was like this and got annoyed at counsellors etc. Would only deal with the now, but since following your posts I realise that the best way to deal with my anxiety is to deal with the now. And I don't expect I'll be cured before I go to the dentist next week, but I believe I can get better if I keep going.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

When anxiety is bad I think we all question whether or not we will get better. We can become very negative and stuck in the loop. Anxiety always seems to grab me with life events, divorce, illinesses, moving, blended families, cancer, etc. Once I begin working through my issues, anxiety diminishes. This time however, WILL be different as I am learning to sit with the sensations, emotions and feelings allowing them to be present, making room for them to breathe and just getting comfortable with them. So when future life events pop up and anxiety tags along I can just welcome her like a long lost friend; give her a quick hug and continue on. Love you Big Guy, keep spreading your wisdom and encouragment!

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

Awee Drew. Years and years believing I was born to suffer. Sneaky trap.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

Thanks Drew, I feel this way at times, and I needed to hear this. "this is how my life is now" and i worry that recovery is going to be for the rest of my life. I need to drop my preconceived ideas of how life should be or was. I am working on this in therapy. Thank you.

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