The Anxious Morning
The Anxious Morning
78. Recovery Is NOT About Being "Hardcore"

78. Recovery Is NOT About Being "Hardcore"

Forget the warrior memes. Just learn what you have to learn.

Nothing about the recovery process is meant to be glorified or romanticized. Quotes about fear, warriors and goddesses do not apply here.

Recovery is about intentionally making oneself uncomfortable and afraid. It is the process of doing hard things to learn that we are capable of doing hard things and working through difficult sensations, thoughts and emotions. The process is literally dripping with the stuff of songs, poems, inspirational memes, and mediocre keynote addresses given at dime-a-dozen “level up” conferences.

But none of that matters here.

Recovery is not a test. Recovery is not initiation into the mentally superior club. Recovery does not earn one a certificate stamped with words like “enlightened” or “awakened”. Recovery is not about being a lion, a wolf, an eagle, or any other animal generally associated with badassery.

We do not do these things to be hardcore or extreme. We do not do these things to prove to the world that we are strong or brave. We do not do these things with pretense to signal that we share the virtues and characteristics of warriors or dead Roman emperors.

We do these things simply … to learn.

We learn about ourselves and what we are capable of. We learn about the nature of fear and thoughts and emotions and we learn that all have their place when treated productively and with respect. And even if the learning happens in the dark and in silence with nobody witnessing, it still happens, and there is impact. Nobody needs to see your recovery, approve of your recovery, or endorse your recovery methods for it to matter. If this tree falls in this forest and nobody is here to hear it, it ABSOLUTELY DOES make a sound.

It can be really difficult to do hard things without fully understanding why we are doing them. Never lose sight of why we DO recovery. We do it to learn. And even if you are doing it while feeling awful, with nobody watching, and nobody applauding you for the audacious display of warrior spirit, if you are learning …. you are winning.

Now go learn something about how capable you really are. Because that will set you free.

The Anxious Morning
The Anxious Morning
Wake up every morning to a hot cup of anxiety support, empowerment, education, and inspiration in your inbox. The Anxious Morning is written and recorded by Drew Linsalata.