Excellent excellent post - these things are essential for ongoing success (& just generally for good life management/ happiness/ inner calm). Very easy to let them slip from personal experience (argh) & to fall back into old habits, lots of self-discipline needed in my case. So it’s great to have a timely reminders like these, both for during recovery (me) and after recovery (hopefully one day). A bit like going to the gym or exercising regularly, as you gradually start seeing results you’re more motivated to keep it up, and also the longer you do it the more habit-forming it becomes ie. the actions are automatic before your ‘other’ brain can start all the excuses about why you deserve a rest/another half hour sleep/to send that non-urgent text msg/clean the bathroom/play with the pets/file the paperwork (excuse brain is super agile and convincing when I’m not feeling motivated lol).

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Thanks for the reminder! :-) Working out is huge for me, but so is sleep. If my sleep is off, then I don't workout in the morning and get into a bad cycle - which I'm in right now. I'm not sure how to break it - probably need to workout even if I don't sleep well and get back on track.

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I suffer from GAD so this has been a real challenge in my recovery.

I used to run all day doing but not doing, if that makes sense.

Now I’m under the eyes of your amazing book “ seven percent slower”

Which has been helping me a looootttt…

I try to stayed focus in the things I REAllLY have to do, take small breaks and be self compassionate with myself.

Yoga, meditation, gardening are incredibly helpful.

Even though, I have to be alert and try not to fall into the trap of doing, fixing, rescuing which, sometimes , leads me to procrastination

Thank you Drew this is my thing! 💕😘✨

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Spot on Drew! It’s about maintaining a healthy balance to life’s situations. Perhaps learning to put yourself first instead of others when you feel the spiral. Learning to say no and understanding there are times when you just can’t because of your mental health. Sometimes I want do overs in life but then I stop and think no I don’t. I don’t want to go back to how it was because how it was, was not good. I want better because I am learning how to handle myself and situations with anxiety. But if she (anxiety) does decide to tag along, she can. I have always wanted a little sister 😊. As always, Love you Big Guy

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Maintaining my black raspberry patch every spring and picking every summer and eating berries all winter. year after year.

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