Drew this podcast could have been just written to me. This is exactly how I have been living my life. I just told my therapist yesterday that I wanna be like I use to be. Doing things without thinking about them and just going. I do get up and go to work each day. I have always told myself that I wouldn’t let anxiety stop me from doing things. It just makes me more tired…

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Commenting on the book you are currently reading. Check out The Body Keeps the Score if you haven’t already. It’s a fascinating read about trauma. Really dives deep into the biology of it.

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I am currently working through this, I am getting better at managing my anxiety but it makes me feel completely exhausted at times, working through still at least getting out for a walk and getting some fresh air even when I feel completely exhausted, and that walk will 8/10 times re-energize me.

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One more quick thing. I was recently given the book “what happened to you”, I wasn’t sure about reading it, but I think I’ll give it a try, why not!

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Thanks as always Drew! This also resonates with me. I’m am ALWAYS tired. The funny thing is I was a working mother of four at one point in my life and tired or not I worked, cooked, cleaned, took kids to practice, monitored homework, attended games and a million other things… (haha), and never once did I feel the need to retreat to the safety of the couch to “rest”. It’s gotten to where being tired triggers my anxiety. Instead of saying “I’m just tired today” my brain takes being tired as something else in my body to worry about. I’m getting better at moving around and not paying attention to whether I “feel” tired or not.

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Great topic Drew! This happens to me very often. GAD has these two voices, the first one is ( do, do, do) the second voice ( but you need to rest! You’re doing all the time) so most of the times I end up doing nothing. This leads me to procrastinate most of the times.

The situation was driving me crazy and to no where. So I decided to make to plan my activities ( a to do list/planner) including breaks and times to relax. I don’t follow it perfectly but, gives me structure and clarity to engage with really important things in life.

As always, you give us the right lessons and words every single day 🙏🏻✨😘

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This is exactly me too… one half saying go-go-go whilst the other half saying stop, you need a break, you’re over-doing it all. It becomes exhausting. Leading to a self-defeating cycle where some days (when I’m not at work) I end up doing nothing much at all, whilst the to-do list piles up. I’ve needed to introduce lots of strict planning & discipline into my daily activities.

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May 10, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

There were days in the beginning when I was so fatigued and tired beyond words! I didn’t think (because my mind told me) I couldn’t do this or go there due to fatigue, but I did it. I pushed through. I said yes I’m tired but I CAN do this. But I’m tired (myself would whine) and I would say yes you are and it’s ok you can still do when your tired. Then I would have a day where I would ALLOW myself to grab a book and sit in the sun on the deck in backyard and not do a damn thing all day. Sometimes I wouldn’t even read, I would just sit there and look at the woods and all the beauty around me and give thanks to God for all that he’s blessed me with even the fatigue and anxiety because I knew he was at work in me creating and shaping a new me! The reason why I would ALLOW myself to relax and know it was ok is because I don’t allow allow myself to slow down and relax hence the anxiety 🙃. Thanks Drew, Love you Big Guy!

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May 10, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

This was huge for me when my son was an infant. Every time he'd wake me up in the night, I would become so distraught over the fact that I was going to be tired the next day. I truly felt like I couldn't cope, and couldn't take care of a baby, if I was sleep-deprived. I can chuckle about it now, because ALL parents of young children have their sleep interrupted, and they cope with it fine! I just thought I was really fragile.

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May 10, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

Thank you soooo much, you make me feel stronger 💪 and make sense of so much in my life.god bless you for sharing x

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May 10, 2022Liked by Drew Linsalata

LOL @gulp ;)

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