Drew, Thanks for the reminders!!! All of the repetition is what creates the new neural pathways. I admit that I have taken it easy on myself when I feel like I need "self- care days." But, my incredible frustration and disgust with this "impairment", drove me to stop taking it so easy on myself in the last month or so. That's when I started having the breakthroughs with walking. Unless I am deathly sick and close to vomiting, I drag myself out walking and driving every day. The payoffs continue-I have more confidence and more momentum and belief in myself-that I will be okay if I panic-even though the belief is still small, it's growing...

This would not have been accomplished had I just continued to give an "average try" each day. I love that your friend expands on his exposures! Imagine all of the confidence that ensues after that! I am starting to realize that the harder something is, the better I will feel after I've completed it! Baby steps, baby steps. Slow and steady win the race!

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The feelings I get are unbearably strong and I will throw up and shake all night if I'm triggered. I would be ok if I felt a little uncomfortable but mine is at another level of discomfort. Any advice? I assume push through and feel is my only option though.

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Why does sound agitate me do much? First thing this morning my neighbour had a visitor who arrived in a beachbuggy. She came to the gate and spoke to this person while the engine was running. Beachbuggy's have a sound louder than a harley. I thought it would be driven off quickly, so ignored it as much as possibly, however they spoke for a long while with the engine running. After a while it got to me and anxiety hit the roof. I just could not calm myself down for the rest of the day and I felt exhausted and was really angry with the thoughtless neighbour for not asking the driver to turn the engine off. She is aware of the anxiety as she gets anxious herself. Am I expecting too much and bring selfish, had the circumstances been reversed, I would have told the person the sound was too loud and disturbing the neighbourhood, which it was.

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It makes sense that we need to put in the time & effort to do the exposures so we can believe it for ourselves. There's nothing to lose & everything to gain.

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The friend here sounds amazing and what a fantastic accomplishment. An example and an inspiration. And a demonstration of what doing the work can lead to...living life, quality life.

I think the 'self care' stuff is hard. I hear this all the time in my circle. It is a huge thing! Its like its taken over. And l admit, it does my head in. As too often it feels like a lazy excuse and very self indulgent! But l won't rant.

But what about people who feel like they can't cope with their symptoms? Do such people exist? Can it be 'too much' for some and then hence their avoidance? Is anything being missed on why some recover and others don't with exposure therapy?

Sorry, just thoughts that l always have because totally empowering as it is to hear of such an experience, it may not be so much for those who have struggled for decades.

Thank you 🙂🙂

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